

The 2024 ADRES Job Market Conference aims to showcase the research of young economists, including PhD students and postdoctoral fellows, before they enter the job market. It also serves as a platform for recruitments for post-doctoral positions, assistant professorships, and 'Maître de conférences' positions in France. Senior researchers are welcome to attend.

The ADRES Job Market Conference will be held from January 24th to 26th 2024 at ENS Paris-Saclay.

The conference is organized by the Centre for Economics at Paris-Saclay, a federation of research units located on two campuses: ENS Paris-Saclay and the University of Evry-Val d'Essonne.


Important dates

Online submissions will open on September 10th, 2023, and close on November 18th, 2023.

Decisions on acceptance will be notified by December 1st, 2023.

Registration will open on December 5th, 2023, and close on December 21st, 2023.


Job Market Platform

Private rooms will be allocated to recruiters for the duration of the conference. Recruiters will have the opportunity to directly contact applicants and arrange interviews at their mutual convenience.


Keynote Lectures



The roundtables will be conducted in French.

  • Prospective on Economics and Environment (in French)
    Participants: Valérie Boisvert (University of Lausanne), Hélène Ollivier (Paris School of Economics), Philippe Quirion (CIRED) and Stéphane Zuber (Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne) — Moderators: Antoinette Baujard (University of St Etienne & ADRES), Antoine Missemer (CIRED).
  • French Job Market (in French)
    Participants: Bastien Alvarez (French Tresory), Guillaume Horny (Bank of France), Pamina Koenig (Universty Rouen Normandie, & PSE), Vincent Merlin (CNRS, University of Caen) — Présidents: Olivier Bos (ENS Paris-Saclay), Grégory Verdugo (University of Evry Paris-Saclay).


Commitment to Sustainability, Equity, and Inclusion

The organizers aims for the 2024 ADRES Job Market Conference to be an enriching and intellectually challenging experience for all participants:  

  • The use of trains, public transport, and sustainable transportation solutions are strongly encourage. Printed programs will not be available. Please use the provided QR code for access. 
  • We are dedicated to creating a harassment-free and inclusive conference environment. Everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, ethnicity, religion, or status, should feel comfortable at all times, both during the conference and social events. If you encounter any issues, please do not hesitate to contact the ENS Paris-Saclay representative (Claire Lambard, chargée de mission égalité, mission.egalite[at]ens-paris-saclay.fr).
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